Belliveau Cove Harbour

Belliveau Cove

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Belliveau Cove Harbour



Facing Southwest - A beautiful coastal village located in the Municipality of Clare, an Acadian region in Nova Scotia.


Belliveau Cove is a coastal village located in the Municipality of Clare, an Acadian region in Nova Scotia. The cove experiences the majestic Bay of Fundy tides; when the tide is out, the beach is a popular clamming area. Explore the Joseph and Marie Dugas Municipal Park, named after the first Acadian couple to arrive in the area in 1768, with its wharf, lighthouse and nature trail bordering the shoreline. Visit the Farmer’s Market on Saturday mornings from May to October. On Friday evenings during the summer months, experience the “Beaux Vendredis” suppers and dine on lobsters and clams with the locals.


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