Sherbrooke Village South

Sherbrooke Village

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Sherbrooke Village South



Facing South - View from the steeple of the St. James Presbyterian Church


Sherbrooke Village is Nova Scotia’s largest Provincial Museum with 25 heritage buildings brought to life by costumed interpreters. In the 1860s, timber, tall ships and gold ruled life along the St. Mary’s River, turning the community of Sherbrooke into a prosperous boom town. Today, the picturesque village still stands proud, just as it did more than 100 years ago. At Sherbrooke Village, every day is a trip back in time as Nova Scotia’s 19th century heritage is brought to life by the blacksmiths, potters, weavers, wood turners and printers. Get dressed up to become a part of the Village story. Visit our new Indigenous Art Centre or have your photo taken at Canada’s only commercial Ambrotype glass photo studio. Our activities, learning programs workshops for children and adults, and schedule of special events make it easy to get your hands on history all summer long! Visit the Village Treasures & Gift Shop for a wide selection of unique village crafted items or enjoy a delicious meal at McDaniel’s Tea Room & Restaurant.


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