Walton Lighthouse

119 Lorne Smith Road, Walton

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Walton Lighthouse


Facing West - The last original lighthouse in Hants County. It was built in 1873 by Timothy Parker. The lighthouse is open from May 15th - October 15th from 8am to 8 pm.


The Walton Lighthouse is the last original lighthouse in Hants County. It was built in 1873 by Timothy Parker at a cost of $620. It was once the brightest light on the Minas Basin in the upper Bay of Fundy. Over the years it guided ships into Walton port where they loaded cargoes of pulpwood, gypsum and barite. Walton Harbour was the busiest port in Nova Scotia in the 1950’s. The shipping declined in the 1970’s and the lighthouse was decommissioned. It was purchased by the Municipality of East Hants and declared a heritage property in 1992. It is currently maintained by the non-profit organization WADA, Walton and Area Development Association.


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