Rockcliffe by the Sea

Rockcliffe by the Sea, Parrsboro

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Rockcliffe by the Sea


Facing Southwest - Your dreams are waiting at Rockcliffe by the Sea. A unique community of year-round oceanfront properties.


Rockcliffe By-the-Sea, a community of year-round ocean front properties is unique. The land’s natural terracing allows each wooded 2-3 acre lot both privacy and a spectacular ocean views. These ocean front properties range from 50 to 350 feet above sea level. Beach access, trails, protective covenants, private roads and a home-owners’ association ensure Rockcliffe will always retain its beauty and peaceful character. In today’s pressure-cooker world of continuous change, the permanence of history and nature can provide a comforting anchor. Nova Scotia’s Parrsboro Shore offers both-in abundance. Our ocean front properties are in a land of spectacular geology where fossil hunters discover traces of the world’s smallest dinosaurs. It’s also a land of myth and mystery. Legends tell of the Mi’kmaq god Glooscap creating the offshore islands and controlling the mighty Fundy tides.


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